No clue what
you're looking for online?
Let Azoos show you around the 'net! There is no doubt that
using the world wide web can save you valuable time and money!
In seconds, you can check on weather, stocks, driving
directions, and so
much more without having to wait for a flickering television
screen to produce the information you need! Pull yourself away
from the lure of TV "broadcasting" and teach yourself
the wonders of Internet "narrowcasting" where
you, the user can access whatever news & information YOU want whenever
YOU want it! Below are 8 Internet sites that Azoos
believes are among the most important for almost any user to know.
NONE of these are paid
advertisements. Instead, each site was handpicked by our editors
-with the idea that they have broad appeal for almost any
anyone - whether they're an internet novice
or WWW expert.
Be sure to visit and explore each one! Enjoy!!!411.com -
Why pick up the telephone
and pay for directory assistance when there's so many versions of
the same service online? Check
out 411.com the next time you need a phone number and never talk
to an operator again!
Cnn - Getting headlines via your
television or even newspaper can be a proverbial "pain."
Check out Cnn.com and you can click on only those top news stories YOU want
to read about! Cnn.com includes audio and video as well!
- Wondering how much your car is worth? The infamous Kelley Blue
Book is online! Enter information about the year, make, model, and
condition of virtually any popular vehicle and find out how much
it's worth!
- How many times have you struggled to read directions you wrote
on a sheet of paper while driving to a new destination? Mapquest.com
can crunch virtually any two addresses and produce DETAILED turn by
turn driving directions (along with a map!) for you to review
and/or print out!
- Not sure which movie to see in the theater tonight? Considering
a DVD rental? The Movie Review Query Engine has dozens of
professionally published reviews for each of THOUSANDS of
films spanning several decades. Finding reviews is fast and easy!
- Wondering what all the "buzz" is about booking airfare
online? Use the main screen of Travelocity to find LOW airline rates by
entering your departure & arrival cities. Tip from Azoos...To
help you find the best rates possible, leave the travelocity home
page's "date"
range BLANK and only select your desired dates later on in the
- Tired of looking through newspaper listings?
Bored waiting for a
guide to scroll vertically across your cable television screen? Tvguide.com
provides listings in a flash!
- The name is easy enough to remember!
Why sit through an entire
television segment just to hear the meteorology report? Go to
weather.com, enter your zip code, and get instant information pertaining
to current conditions, long range forecasts, pollen
counts, and so much more!
view more hot sites in a number of popular categories, click
here to return to the Azoos subject list!
Surf, FLY!
using your telephone line to dial up a connection to
the Internet? If so, then it's definitely time to upgrade!
Using such an outdated method to go online is analogous to
using a horse & buggy to travel down the highway! In
fact, it's even slower! Contact your cable company
to find out if cable modem service is available yet
in your area. For a few extra dollars per month, you can
obtain a connection to the internet that is up to 20
times faster than your current one! This means that
most websites will appear almost instantly on your
screen and you'll never even have to "log on" or
"log off" again! Whenever you open your web
browser, you'll be online already! As another
alternative, find out if your local telephone company
offers DSL service - it functions similarly to
cable modem service for the end user and, in some
cases, may even be a bit faster!!!
Teaching yourself to use the Internet on a
regular basis for news, driving directions, weather, &
so many other things can be one of life's most rewarding
experiences. But it all starts with learning to remember
web sites like these! Be sure to use your web
browser's "favorite places" or
"bookmarks" feature to add the most useful sites
to your computer's memory! To begin by adding Azoos.com
to your computer's bookmarks or favorite place links, click
here! From there, begin adding any and all sites
you believe are useful to you in everyday life! Get into
the habit!!! |

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