To display the Azoos search form, simply paste the HTML code between the dotted lines (below) into your web page! It's free!! That's all there is to it!!!


<td width=180 align=right class="searchbox"><form method=get action="">
<b><font face="Arial" color="#0066FF" size="3">Search the 'net with</font></b><input type=text name=q size=20 maxlength=64></td>
<td align=left><input type=image src="" width=50 height=30 alt="Search" border=0></td></form>
<p><font face="Arial" size="2">Feel free to revise our HTML to match the
content of YOUR website! To change the size of the input field, simply edit
the line reading &quot;size=<b>20</b>&quot; where <i>20</i> becomes the
number of characters you'd like to be able to display at one time in the
search field as it appears on your screen.</font></p>


Feel free to revise our HTML to match the content of YOUR website! 
To change the size of the input field, simply edit the line reading "size=20" where 20 is the variable representing the number of characters you'd like to be able to display at one time in the search field...

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